
You’ve probably heard the term “gut health” and know that “good” gut health is desirable. But what does it really mean to have a healthy gut? It means having the right balance of tiny bacteria and other microbes in your digestive tract. Researchers are increasingly discovering ways these microorganisms contribute to overall health. #health #doctor #guthealth

13 thoughts on “Do THIS to INSTANTLY Improve Your Gut Health with Doctor Mike Hansen

  1. Fiber is not needed or good for the human body. Meat or a carnivore diet will sort out a messed up gut 👍

  2. 35-? Grams but you didn’t say how much that translates to in food… eg how many cups of broccoli or wild rice etc. Would be efficient to the aim of your video to actually know what to eat; as in how much. A few examples ease the complete unrelatable ambiguity of grams.

    (I say this because the video is so informatively useful and a relief and helpful otherwise. ! 🥰🤗)

  3. I want to use this medium to say a very big thank to Dr Ewi1 who used his herbs to cure me from Herpes🙏

  4. What about the people saying your gut microbes can adjust to whatever you get them used to, including 0 fibre.its not black and white, anyone saying this is good that is bad is wrong.Everyone preaches to eat healthy but we don’t even know what is healthy, medicine is so farr off what it could become, until then , it’s a stumble in the dark guessing things, guessing!

  5. Okay I don’t understand why people do so well on carnivore and without any fiber? They cure autoimmune diseases and so on. Such conflicting info. How to know who is right ?

  6. oat bran does the trick for me to get my insulin resistance under control and makes it possible to lose weight again. here is a short comparison:
    100g oat flakes: 58g carbs, 10g fiber
    100g oat bran: 48g carbs, 15g fiber
    this is why i go with oat bran instead of oat flakes. more fiber, less carbs.

  7. too ,much fast talk which is all bran original insoluable or soluable also which is bran buds insoluable or soluable and what is thje difference
    if you have ibs bran is bad??? ancwers please

  8. I am so grateful to dr Ewi1 on YouTube who cured me from hsv_2 with his effective herbal medicine may God bless you sir you are truly a man of your world

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